Who is Alex Martin? What is Alex Martin? How is Alex Martin?
I’m fine, thank you for asking.
Welcome to my website where you can find out a little bit more about me. Think of this like my very own wikipedia page except you won’t find out my date of birth, height, or how I died in mysterious yet nonetheless tragic circumstances. You will, however, be able to find my blog (new!) as well as a portfolio of films and other pieces of media I have written/produced.
I’m a Sydney local and completed my BA in Screen Production at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School in 2019, where I produced multiple narrative projects, often with longtime collaborator and director Erika Felton.
Currently (2024), I’m studying a Master of English Studies at the University of Sydney.
Coming from a writing background, I strive to work with others who put story first. It is my belief that the most vital stories of today, the stories that explore universal human experiences, need have a heart-stringed champion, a direct and often specific connection with the storytellers perspective, beliefs, and sentiments. It is within these emotive intentions that audiences will always find themselves.